This has been one of the most gratifying years of my life and you guys all played a role in that. The ability to pursue what I'm passionate about full time is such a blessing, one I wish many of you have or will fulfill soon, as well. There is something so powerful and empowering about seeing the fruit of your labor in real time. It is hard to even explain how much different it is from working for someone else and getting a paycheck. I remember the first time I cut myself a check from the old mortgage company I owned and operated. It felt like a first breath of air after 30 years of begging. On top of being the biggest check I ever cashed, at the time, it was also the first time I knew I was earning what I was truly worth. I hope the next year brings you that level of fulfillment, truly.
Also, just wanted to quickly expand on this thread:
The pursuit of truth is contagious and there is no vaccine once you've woken up. Keep going. Even when it feels like it is hopeless you have no idea what the cumulative effect of the small difference we all make might be. If you had told me just one year ago that ESG would be on the ropes by today I would've laughed in your face. We can make major differences even without overt political power. Do not underestimate it and most importantly, do not give up hope. No one follows the hopeless.
Happy New Year, friend
Clint Russell
There was a few topics I couldn't cover on YT, enjoy!
Thank you again for supporting my work